Monday, June 15, 2020

An Effect Of Using Genetically Modified Food And On Our Health - 1375 Words

An Effect Of Using Genetically Modified Food And On Our Health (Essay Sample) Content: Name Instructor’s name Course Date Genetically Modified Food Environmentalists, scientists, doctors and individuals focusing on issues affecting public at large have been anxious on the effect that comes out of using genetically modified food and this includes their effects on health, environment and the variety of life in the ecosystem. Genetically modified food has usually been viewed as harmful. This paper examines genetically modified food and what if anything is wrong with them. It investigates genetically modified food brings what is wrong with them. The manner in which biotech manufacturers utilizes the use of rights for individuals creativity for a particular time, the rules for securing and enforcing legal rights for invention and international trade laws to license GMOs thus changing farming to an income generating business contributes to opposition of GMO. (Kaplan 1). The rights of GMO manufacturers to preserve their licenses sell their products and put a stop to classification has been cushioned by World Trade Organization. Favoring of trade imperatives by WTO without taking into consideration what individuals around the universe prefer has created disagreement between freedom of human rights and ownership rights of non-government businesses and making GMO erroneous. (Kaplan 1). Genetically modified can be harmful to our health in various ways, this includes the fact that it was agreed by Food and Drug Administration that there is no gap between genetically modified food and conventional foods. Proper testing must be done on food so as to confirm that it is safe as stated in FDA laws thus this acts as authorized determinant. (Kaplan 1). The fact that biotech foods are generally regarded as safe, they do not undertake safety testing hence there is dependence on test that a biotech firm performs. This raises many unanswered issues on GMOs level of toxicity and how they are related to allergic reactions, carcinogens and resistance of antibiotics. (Kaplan 2). One would rather avoid using GMO or be careful while using them so that they do not get affected since the threat they impose on individual health is so grand for instance, GM corn Star link is not supposed to be used by human yet it was found in consumable goods hence showing how dangerous GMO can be to the public. MO should be considered to be harmful and should not be used if it is necessary unless the producers can come up with means of eliminating the poisonous output from our food as well as be able to assure as of our safety. (Kaplan 2). Genetically modified crops can cause genetic pollution in that they can extend to the animals, soil as well as the plants thus altering their genetics permanently. When genetically modified crop pollinate with none genetically modified plant they eventually become genetically modified crops. This can be harmful for instance, GM crops that have pesticide can destroy more insects than stipulated thus tampering with the intended results such as development of pest that can resist pesticide. Another example includes the case of anti-herbicide in which GM crops can extend to other non GM crops and make them super crops. Weeds can become super weed if GM crop which has anti-herbicide extends to it hence becoming uncontrollable. The generation of anti-viral plants can be carried on to other plants thus giving rise to super viruses. When GM crops are transferred from other countries and planted in foreign environment they can cause biodiversity of regions which is dangerous (Kaplan 2). Food products that are genetically modified whose depletion, manufacture and dispensation are controlled by imperatives of markets and supported by powerful organizations go against individuals’ right. Market policies has various requirements which includes, making public farms private and upgrading agricultural produce so that they can be exported rather than being used for basic needs. This affects worldwide identified rights to secure food. Laws of commerce are developed by the World trade organization so that the government can do away with non-tariff hindrance to market. (Kaplan 4). This laws include, laws of food security and health of the public, security of workers, quality of products and accountability, securing environment security, usage of tax revenue for the purpose of public and other laws limiting speculation that will bring about difficulties in the operation of world organizations to make profit. Countries are limited with the World Trade Organization on the type of non-tariff obstacles to use. Through the process of solving disagreements among nations that was brought up by WTO, rules of countries can be questioned if the nonpublic organization report that there are obstacles hence countries have to adhere to WTO or be sanctioned. (Kaplan 4). World Trade Organization concurrence on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property favors agribusiness thus making developing nations to suffer from this. Trade Intellectual Property wants food and medicine that was supervised by public be made private through world licensed law. (Kaplan 4). This enables modification of natural seeds obtaining license and make money by selling the seeds rather than giving them to the society for free as it was initially. Given the fact that farmers are already having difficulties, issuing of license for GM seeds only worsen their situations. (Kaplan 5). The farmers are required to place their signatures on gene patent agreement so as to be enabled to use Genetically Modified Seeds. WTO is specific on royalty payments as well as they control the type of seed, fertilizer and chemicals to be consumed. I n countries like the U.S it is for bidden for farmers to keep licensed seeds before paying or with no pay. Bio tech organization has come up with l icensing system for certain type of crops. In India, basmati rice has to be l...

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